lunes, 10 de junio de 2019

The name of the streets. (Final products)

Cultural Heritage are also the people who lived in the past and did important things for our society or village. We used to thank them calling a street with their name. In this task of the project we investigated about these people: The name of our streets

These are the final products of each student.

Year 5A
Guillermo Alcade
Nicoleta Ciorcilan
Candela Cossio
Elvis Isaías Cuevas
Diego Ferreiro
Izán González
Yago Gutiérrez
Rubén Gutiérrez
Violeta Luena
Jimena Martín
Carlos Millán
Mauro Ramos
Nerea Roldán
Rodrigo Serrano
Ismael Terán
Ángela Vélez 

Year 5B
Diego Gerardo Fernández
Eva González
Lucía Martín

2 comentarios:

  1. Guillermo Alcalde Péreez14 de junio de 2019, 4:42

    A mi me a gustado el proyecto por el echo de poder conocer más Aguillar de campoo.

  2. This was great - we learnt lots at Holy Trinity about the streets of Aguilar de Campoo. We loved the pictures of yourselves, telling the stories behind each street name.


Sellos de Calidad Nacional al Colegio San Gregorio

¡Felicidades! Acabamos de concederos el Sello de Calidad de eTwinning por vuestro proyecto «Cultural Heritage is important for me, for yo...