lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

1er Encuentro Nacional de Escuelas y Museos

En la día de hoy, miércoles 29 de mayo de 2019, tendré la suerte de compartir con Julián Sanz Mamolar una charla en el 1er Encuentro Nacional Escuelas y Museos en Burgos 

A lo largo de la presentación vamos a hablar del proyecto eTwinning "Cultural Heritage is important for you, for me, for us" del Colegio San Gregorio

Para ello seguiremos la siguiente presentación. 

jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

Task 4 - The name of our streets.

It's time to continue with our eTwinning Project "Cultural Heritage is important for you, for me, for us". This time we are going to focus our attention into the names of the streets of our town, trying to investigate about the names of them.

This time the organization of the work will be different, we are not going to offer you the Working Plan, you are going to create a planning to achieve the final aim of the task.  For that idea we are going to say you which ones are the simple pretask you have to do in order to organize your planning.

  • Organize your OneNote for the project:
    • Learning Diary.
    • Final Products.

  • Decision of the Street you want to investigate.
  • Investigation of the character the street is dedicated to:
    • Resources for this pretask: You can look for information at internet but be careful don't copy you should rewrite it with your own words.

  • Video with an interview of the character talking about his life.
    • Write the script (use the information you look for).
    • Four questions about his or her life and history.
    • Include 5 questions about what he or she likes or doesn't like. Grammar Reference.
    • Rehearse the video.
    • Record the video (You will need an adult to go with you).

  • Scenes about the character.
    • Five scenes (picture and description) about what he or she is doing now use present continuous. Grammar Reference.
    • You need to include the pictures and the sentences in the final post.

  • Create the final post in your kidblog.

  • Send the post through TEAMS.

Now you need to complete the planning in order to organize your time and your work. You can use the colours to write the different task. You need to set an aim for the day and the task you are going to do.

TEACHER'S ASSESSMENT (60% of the final mark)

PEER'S ASSESSMENT (20% of the final mark)

PEER'S ASSESSMENT (20% of the final mark)

A summary of the Exchange

The 12 students of Colegio San Gregorio from Aguilar de Campoo (Spain) participated in a week of exchange from the 25th February to the 1st March. With the following videos and products you can have an idea about everything which took place during it.





"During the Spanish Exchange week I have learnt lots and enjoyed it all!!! I did no know that hey had lots of monuments so I found it very interesting. I have had fun while they were here and thought it was a great experience!! "  
Abbie Hovington. 

"The thing I enjoyed are learning about the Spanish culture and thinking aobut the differences between the two countries. I have also had fun enjoying trying to speak Spanish (which failed!) I really liked comparing our eTwinning work and making new friends. As a School I think it is really good that we lweran about countries that are not England" 
 Mi-Mae DrayCott

"It is wonderful to see the works of the English students and they explain it very good so we learnt a lot. I think that the eTwinning Project help us to be better on thinking, and also speaking English. We make lot of friends and it is really cool. In the eTwinning we checked that English and Spanish people are really different but we can be close friends" 
Rodrigo Serrano. 

Christmas traditions at Holy Trinity School.

At Holy Trinity School the students told to everybody in the following videos about their Christmas Traditions. Let's have a look, because they are very interesting ones.

Sellos de Calidad Nacional al Colegio San Gregorio

¡Felicidades! Acabamos de concederos el Sello de Calidad de eTwinning por vuestro proyecto «Cultural Heritage is important for me, for yo...